Turns out Ubisoft can make a good RPG - An Assassin's Creed Valhalla Review

Like the newer games in the franchise Assassin's Creed Valhalla continues to turn the stealth and parkour focused games into RPGs if you can call them that. But unlike Origins or Odyssey, Valhalla actually tries to be an RPG.

It brings actual assassins back into the games. Well... not exactly assassins, Hidden Ones to be exact but that can be overlooked cuz history. With the right use of lore, it's the most assassins creed I've seen in a long time.

Story - A Patchwork of Greatness

I really respect Darby McDevitt for he respects the lore of the franchise entirely. Even though he writes for spectacle and amazement, it rather fitting for this story. Valhalla makes me feel that all the AC knowledge I've cultivated over the years is rewarded in a way.

In this game, you play as Eivor Varinsdottir, yes I said Varinsdottir as in Eivor is female canonically. I know I know, it's just like Ubisoft to not have a fixed female protagonist but the game justifies it in a way. 

As expected, Eivor is a representation of the world she lives in. She is a fearsome warrior and a caring sister to her brother, Sigurd Styrbjornsson. She is a poet often taking part in flyting duels to show off her wit. She is level-headed when she needs to be and passionate in her own creed. Unlike Edward Kenway, She is not a believer in the creed that we are familiar with and does not fight for herself but for her clan of Ravens.

She has her moments because of the fantastic performance by Cecilie Stenspil and Magnus Bruun as Male Eivor. But I personally didn't relate with Eivor as her goals deviated from mine.

The Hidden Ones are back in the story after being missing for a good while in Odyssey which was barely even Assassin's Creed. We have two proto-assassins to deal with, Basim and Hytham, Though Hytham, an apprentice of the creed is not integral to the main-main story... He is important in the Assassin VS Templar story which gave the nostalgic feels.

Basim, meanwhile, is a major part of the story as he turns out to be the major antagonist of the story and future present-day protagonist (hopefully). He isn't that compelling enough villain as he isn't outright evil until the end of the game. And him being the modern-day protagonist provides lots of opportunity for story-telling in future titles. It will be interesting to play as a bad guy in an AC game. Yes, we did play as a templar in Rogue but I hate Shay so... buzz off.

Damn Fantasy Again

The Isu storyline is back and has a certain odd mystery to the whole thing again. Thus, allowing for more speculation and me like theories. Ok... Now for big-big spoilers. Eivor is Odin. Yes, you did read that right. Remember that whole re-incarnation thing with the Sages and Aita. Well, that's what happened. The whole mythology arc is related to the First Civ but partially changed by Eivor's beliefs in her gods and myths. It's interesting but I don't like it, I really hate the damn fantasy elements in AC. Give me actual Isu memories or give me nothing at all.

Thank Jeebus that the whole arc was short. I hated every minute of the first time we visit Asgard but the second time around we got to meet a lot of my favourite Isu. 

The Isu are important again in a big way as I feel like there will be lesser Piece of Eden treasure hunts and more conflict between the major groups. I really don't want to spoil the Mythology Arc cuz I believe that's an experience in itself.

The Conflict

Yes, a true conflict which I was invested in which says something since I get bored a lot if you hadn't noticed already.

The templars we have met in the latest games have been lacklustre, to say the least. A bit shit. Ok very shit.

But this game brings more light to the origin of the Templars and what exactly the Order of Ancients is. Well, that's where the interesting part comes in. I really love this storyline as it reminds of a game which came out long ago. Assassin's Creed, A game where you play as an assassin tasked to kill the templar order and in turn find out the man sending you to kill these targets is a templar himself.

Nostalgia ride again. There is this man known as A Poor Fellow Soldier of Christ, who sends you locations of the Order of Ancient members. And who else is called a Poor Fellow Soldier of Christ... That's right... TEMPLARS. And who did this mystery man turn out to be other than the greatest boy ever, AEFLRED. woop woop!

As you can see I really like Aelfred, he almost tricked me but ooh he was so good. He exudes power and I actually respect his character. Him putting down the foundations for the Templars is amazing.

Modern Day

Hey! Look who it is... Its Good Modern Day. I know it seems like a long time since we have a good modern-day.

As we can all agree that the Revelations ending is the best. And this modern-day almost comes close to topping that but ultimately doesn't cuz Layla.

I don't hate Layla as much as I did in Odyssey. In fact, its the best version of her I have ever seen. Ironic that seeing her in the dumps is her best moments. She is accompanied by my favourite duo, Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane. I loved seeing them again after a break of 2 games.

Although the modern-day is less utilised in the story, it delivers with the games biggest moments with Basim being the new protagonist going forward and the return of Desmond Miles in a way back into the series as a character and not a bunch of documents on someone's laptop.

This was truly Layla Hassan's swan song. I really loved this ending. 

Thanks, Darby.

Gameplay - Revised and Re-utilised

The new Anvil engine is used again in this game so it's a bit buggy in some places. It makes a good game out of an engine not made for an AC game in my opinion.

Combat has been remade to fit the Viking fantasy and has been made more brutal and a bit fast and flashy.

Choices are back used better to fit Eivor's character and other types of interactions. The NPC's only add to this.

The best thing about the game is the removal of the levelling system. Ah yes, the gating of certain areas still exists but it serves a purpose to make the story more sequenced and this done by using power. Since it's an RPG loot still plays a role and it determines your power. I don't hate it but I don't like it either. 

Parkour - Just push the stick forward

When it comes to parkour in Assassin's Creed games I have always been conservative. Parkour in the game before required some sort of skill. But in the last two games, we've only had to hold the control stick forward and hold the jump button to climb. 

Although this does result in some glitches which are certainly annoying.

In the last two games,  there were fewer areas where parkour was utilised at all. But with a multitude of cities, there areas well crafted for jumping around and of course haystacks.

Combat - Brutal and Bloody

Combat has been reworked again combining the heaviness and power of the Origins combat with fast slashes and agility of the Odyssey combat. As much as I hate the speeded up combat, it ultimately is overlooked because of the sheer brutality on my screen.

Beheading and maimings are done with close-ups to really sell the Viking fantasy. This all complemented by a new system of dual-wielding weapons. 

Combine any two of the multiple weapon types to make a combo that best suits your style. This is helped even more with the skill web that gives multiple abilities to use in combat.

In the world, there are opportunities to learn certain special skills to use in combat using adrenaline cultivated in combat scenarios. This works the same way as the special superpower abilities given by the Spear of Leonidas in Odyssey but way more realistic this time (if you can call it that).

Stealth - Social and Stabby

Social stealth is back BABYYYYYYY! You can blend into certain crowds like in AC 1 to infiltrate distrust areas and stab people with your not-so-hidden blade.

Stealth is as simple as always but you tend to get more detected than usual if you really suck at stealth. Stalking zones are in a variety of bushes now.

You can toggle on instant kill for your game if you want that old Assassin's creed feel. If not you can upgrade your stealth damage by the skill web and use a quick time event to do extra damage while stabbing more powerful foes.

Choices - Crafty and Not Bipolar

With assurance from Lead Writer for the game, I was excited to try out Eivor in this new game after being so perturbed by Kassandra in Odyssey who's mood was everchanging because of the choices given to me. She could be distant yet caring for one moment and then go off into a rage in an instant. Yes, this often happened in the same interaction.

But Eivor's nature is to be honour bound and witty when need be. It almost felt like I was Eivor for that moment in time as every choice I'm given feels like a choice that she would make in that interaction.

Some choices make a difference thus solidifying your relationship with someone but ultimately doesn't really matter other some interaction and Sigurd's choice to return to England with you or sit tight in Norway.

Exploration - Fun and Nostalgic

With the return of the most major mechanic that is necessary for any AC game aka Eagle Vision known in Valhalla as Odin Sight. It makes tagging enemy more fun and brings an old fan like me joy.

There are rewards to exploring like a stroll through the countryside would end up with you playing hide and seek with some Saxon kids. These are world events which replace the taxing side-missions that were littered across the map in the older games. 

Unlike Origins and Odyssey, the raven who is called Synnin is not used as Ikaros or Senu, only used for scouting ahead and marking location.

All around there are lots to do and it is fun although some times they can seem outright weird.


This is a game for long time fans and new fans alike. It offers the best RPG Assassin's Creed game Ubisoft at its best can make. Montreal did a good job working to create a franchise that was dwindling back into its former glory.

There are a lot of mechanics in the game that makes it challenging and compelling. With a great cast of characters and a great story with amazing leads, its good enough to challenge the older games.

This is amazing and a must-play if you love the franchise as I and new players don't be deterred by the legacy of the franchise it's a stepping stone into greatness again.


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