The Future State of DC: The Infinite Frontier

The new era for DC comics bringing about the major leap into the Future State.
"The Multiverse has been saved from the brink of destruction! But the triumph of the heroes has shaken loose the very fabric of time and space. From the ashes of Death Metal brings new life to the Multiverse-- and a glimpse of the unwritten worlds of the Future."

Well, that sounds cool, doesn't it? 

Ah yes, the long series of Death Metal is over and the Death Metal wasn't even a major part of the story. This is Diana's epic. She is the main character of Death Metal and the Darkest Knight or just The Batman Who Laughs with Dr Manhattan powers who like all other villains want to rebuild the multiverse in their own image. I know... Cringe.

But He almost wins. But as expected the Wonder Woman wins as she becomes a god of truth allying herself with the Creators of the Multiverse and beings from the greater omniverse, The Hands aka the Unseen Hands of Creation.

And with that we get rid of the 52 Earths... well, they still exist but moreover what I mean to say is the Infinite Multiverse is back BAYBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

Not just that, more worlds are being made stretching infinity. With that's we also get the news that the Prime Earth which is the centre of the multiverse isn't the centre anymore as it is joined by another world which the heroes have then dubbed "Elseworld". Exciting.

Now, Future State is an event showcasing well... the future state of DC comics with stories set from 2025 till the end of time. With new and old heroes no less.

Magic Till Time Dies

We get a new Wonder Woman well.. 2 of them actually. Yara Flor is a Brazilian demigod who is part of the Amazons who has taken on the mantle of Wonder Woman. She is young and calm, very mature for a young hero but is all the more welcome. Nubia joins man's world as she dons the title of Wonder Woman once again. I have to be frank since I haven't seen much of Nubia, I'm not that excited about it.

While this goes on we have Diana in the far future. At the end of time where everything is being undone. With a brand new design with tidbits of heroes long gone (for her), she fights to stop the end. This is one of those moral Diana moments where she is the hero that must be looked up to.

The Symbol of Hope Universal

Superman is an amazing character, he has been brought down many a time but always got back up and fought on. But he had to leave on an urgent mission to save... everything. While he is gone the role of Earth's protector lies with his son Jonathan and his cousin Kara aka Supergirl.

In the Superman of Metropolis series, we experience Jonathan learning the responsibility he now has and his duty as he battles against a Brainiac mutation. He is a frustrating character but that's how he is meant to be naive and confused. This puts him at odds with Supergirl as she has her own ideas of protecting her new home.

In the future, Kara chooses to leave Earth behind to live in the Moon colony and be its protector as Super-woman not in the shadow of the Superman no more. But this life soon becomes threatened as something crashes into the colony... a child. 

And where's Superman? Off planet searching for a threat that has been a problem for him since forever, a threat to the whole of life called Mongul. Experience Clark as a gladiator with more brutality than we've seen before.

The Knight Hunted

Gotham city got the worst end of the stick as usual as the mayor enforces a "no vigilante" policy (Gee that's unheard of).  And he does with the help of an organisation named the Magistrate. We don't know why this policy instated but it has something to do with Arkham Asylum. 

After the Batman is presumed dead, a new Bat takes flight in the nights in Gotham, A dark knight who is kind with an identity that can't be discovered easily. This shadow has no name and no face but we know who this new Batman is... Tim Fox.

Robin and Nightwing are off doing their own thing. With Robin Eternal, Tim Drake fights against the robotic agents of the Magistrate and a plot involving the Lazarus Pit. And Dick is shacked up in Asylum as people tend not to go there for certain reasons involving events that turned deadly.

Even Harley Quinn gets roped into allying herself with the Magistrate and their lackey Scarecrow. I have high hopes for this series has been my favourite so far since the artwork is amazing.

And finally Batman... he's dead. So what does a ghost do when he's hiding from a city that is always watching and with little to no resources and allies to help him. The Dark Detective will fight.


  1. Omg this is so breathtaking.

    1. Then take a breath. Btw I don’t know you at all. We were not in the same school. And we are totally not the goodest friends. Honestly girl, you’re doing great with this. I was pretty amazed by your knowledge of the dc multiverse. And now that you’re contributing to the fandom, I’m so happy for you. Keep going. Best of luck!


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